February 2013 - the snow is here and I'm reminded that I spent the past two winters in sunnier places - and that, whilst I like snow to look at and appreciate, I do not like shuffling to work in it.
These are the views on the way to work one snowy morning - despite the rather blue hue, this was about 9am.

These are the views on the way to work one snowy morning - despite the rather blue hue, this was about 9am.
February 12th was Pancake Day and an appropriate excuse to eat pancakes. Now Vivi has never made them before (despite having eaten them) and so we agreed to have a Flat 103 pancake evening. Vivi made them with ingredients (not from packets, jars or containers) and then it came to the tossing. There is video - but I haven't managed to work out how to upload them - but a shot of Vivi just before she commits. I had fruit with mine and Vivi has pretty much anything sweet she could find in the cupboard including half a tin of boiled condensed milk (which is like gloop).
Saturday 16th February 2013 and I made a language breakthrough. I was at the University of London for a day of lectures and presentations relating to Jane Austen. Now it's been a while since I've sat in something lecture-like and here's what I learned.
Apparently I look like a nurse. This is what the woman who sat beside me at tea said - she thought I was a nurse.
And, in my part of the world, we don't have much use for the letter "h" (we're not good with vowels either). But the day at the UofL I made a discovery. I know where all of those missing aitches have gone. They've attached themselves to the vocabulary belonging to the Chairwomen of the Jane Austen Society...