Sunday, 2 October 2011

Silence is golden ....

Hello everyone

Haven't been ignoring the blog - but trying to get some semblance of order into my life ....  This is taking some time.  Perhaps the diversions of Whipsnade with Alison and Sophie and a day at the beach with Hazel and afternoon tea that spanned 7 hours and other similar activities might be the reason it's taking so long??

Still, I've nearly finished the decorating - which is a bit of an exaggeration - I've nearly finished the living room, done half the hall (there is a reason for this, despite it sounding mad) and loads of the boxes have been unpacked and discarded.  Adam has moved on to a place in Brixton with a garden and cats and was lovingly heard to say "I've hated living there" when talking about his six years in the flat.  Luckily I'm not too sensitive!  Darin has moved in and introduced minimalism to his room.  I've noticed that he steps into the hallway and has that rather pained - "she's clearing stuff out but how can I persuade her to make it even more clean lines and minimal?"!! 

The past couple of weeks has seen Vivi's mum visit from Brazil and the build up to Vivi's visa renewal/rejection.  At the last minute (Friday afternoon, visa expired Saturday) she has been given an extension and is planning how to reorder her bedroom!  Her mum was very pleased that it's extended, but not so sure about her being away from home for another 3 years.  In true South American style, she took over the kitchen and has been cooking a storm during her stay here - so I've been treated to loads of Brazilian food.

As for me - the last two filming days for "Ice Bear" have been and gone.  A long day with Mark at his studio where we filmed him creating and did a raft of interviewing.  He's just completing a commission for two tiger statues and I'm very envious.  They are life-sized, as usual, and absolutely beautiful.  Too heavy and large to have smuggled out with us!

We also interviewed an impressive man at Cambridge University on Thursday - who was rather sweet as he pointed out of the window and explained that he wasn't interviewed that much and people usually came to interview Stephen Hawking who was in the building opposite! 

And so to my next jaunt.  I fly off to Kiev tomorrow for a week and some work with a new series.  A 24 part drama spanning over a century and dealing with the major events in Ukrainian history - from the Crimea via WWI and through Chernobyl to the present day.  The good news is that I already know the Russian for "marvellous" as it's the same as Bulgarian!  (Chew-des-no ... no prizes for my spelling).

So off to do some packing and some planning - get off the plane tomorrow and go straight to my first "lecture" so will be interesting.  Will try to add some photos to the next one.


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